• The Beloved Earth
  • Earth Environment
  • Daily Necessities
  • About Food
  • Essence of Plants
  • Universal Lifestyle

Wao,water environment is this tiny

Wao,water environment is this tiny

Earth is often called water planet and looks wealthy in amount of water.However,97.5% of water is sea water and fresh water is only 2.5%.Adding to this information,70% of fresh water is glacier and 330% is river,pond,and underground water.
The amount we can use is only 0.01%.

Our body is filled with 60-70% is water.Not only humans,everything exists on earth is made from water. We can't live without it.

We are using water in daily life in many ways. Over use of shower,wash by over flowing,won't stop water flow will brushing teeth,toilet power lever,too much storage of bath water,not only staining,please be careful of over use.  

We are staining precious limited water

We are doing a lot of activities causing water pollution.

We are staining precious limited water
1〜2mg/ℓ water looking clean at river
5mg/ℓ amount fish can live comfortable
3,000mg/ℓ 2,000ccof rice waste water is disposed,BOD becomes 3,000mg
80,000mg/ℓ dispose milk 200cc,BOD becomes 80,000mg

※Unit measuring water pollution BOD(Biochemical Oxygen Demand)meaning under proper condition of amount of enzyme(amount of demand of biologically,chemically oxygen) necessary,amount of oxygen possible to break organic matter inside of the water in specific time. Rate increase when number of pollutant increase.

Which materials pollute water

Waste water from bath and kitchen area,food left over,oil staining, the waste water from household compose large amount of waste water. Waste water from household disposable materials,acid rain from air pollution,waste water from factory, pesticide,water pollutant is at very difficult situation.

In order to clean water to fish to live

We need this amount of water.

oil(20ml) bathtub(300L) × 20
milk one cup(200ml) bathtub(300L) × 11
miso-soup one bowl(180ml) bathtub(300L) × 4.7
densed sauce one spoon(15ml) bathtub(300L) × 1.3
shampoo once(4.5ml) bathtub(300L) × 0.67

Children's Environment White Paper 2009 (http://www.env.go.jp/policy/hakusyo/kodomo/h20/index.html)

What happen when water is polluted?

Inside ocean and river,there is micro organism breaking dirtiness,and helping nature to clean it by itself. When huge amount of pollutants enter water area,huge amount of plankton are produced. The amount of oxygen decrease,and fish and shell can’t live,becomes cause of red tide.

When enter crop field,underground,crop and drinking water is also polluted,influencing our health when we eat and drink. Influencing our health when we eat and drink. Influencing animals and living creatures in bad ways.

What to do to non-sustain water,use in proper amount

  • Be careful of too much storage and heating
  • Use left water from laundry cleaning
  • Be careful of use of too much water during shower, face wash,teeth cleaning,dish washing
  • Fat and soy sauce used during cooking,make them soaking to paper(old news paper)and disease,wash dishes after cleaning dirtiness.
  • Milk juice,beer,alcohols,miso-soup,drink them up and don’t throw them away.
  • Be careful of too much use of detergent and shampoo
  • white water from rice,don’t wash down,use it as nutrients of plants and cooking
  • Left over food and waste,don’t throw it away collect it by net

Damaging non-guilty living creatures

Fat kills spawn of living creatures in ocean,fish often die when fat is stuffed up at gills because they can't breath. When oil is stacked at bird feather,they can't store air,and they can't live under chilliness. They won't have power to float at surface of water,when they sink,they can't float up again.

White water from rice has influence to water pollution

Rice is necessary at our daily meal. However,the white water coming out when rice is washed has become reason of water pollutant. White water has nutrients in abundant amount.

They cause irregular appearance of plankton,becoming reason to cause a red tide. They are throughed when they are disposed at drainage.

What to do with rice white water

White water of rice has many ingredients that are capable to use. It is too good to throw them away.
There is method to use in many ways,include them in our daily life.

  • make them water for flowers,plants,they last longer
  • use them us cleaning for flooring. Put them in spray bottle,floor will shine by fats inside white water
  • use them during cooking. When used during prepare boiling carrot,radish,bamboo,taro,bitter tastes are taken away and good flavor are drawn out.
  • Use for omission of dish. Without using detergent, wash away fat materials
  • use to wash face,skin will be smooth
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