With number of checks, you can understand how well,you are giving power to earth
From Child environment whitepaper2010 (http://www.env.go.jp/policy/hakusyo/kodomo/h21/index.html)
This pace,earth will become weaker and weaker.
Try to do one thing that possibly you can.
1コ 〜 3コ
you need more energy,
there is a lot you can do for the earth
Keep it up
4コ 〜 10コ
earth has gotten little energy.
One more work and give more of your energy to the earth.
11コ 〜 13コ
earth has gotten a lot of energy.
Earth is delighting your kind work.
Now clear all contents
14コ 〜 15コ
earth is very energetic thank you for your support.
Tell friends and people around you to expand chain of eco